January 2019

Greetings from the Euroloppet family

2019-01-22T10:48:52+02:0022.01.2019|Pirkka Ski Race, Tour De Pirkka|

Euroloppet is one of the biggest Ski Marathon Series and it presents events to all skiing enthusiasts. Euroloppet's Ski Marathon Calendar contains information of several skiing events around the Europe including events that are not part of Euroloppet family. Finnish events part of Euroloppet family are Jyväskylä Ski Marathon ja [...]

Accommondation available at Jämijärvi

2020-01-28T12:58:37+02:0016.01.2019|Pirkka Ski Race, Tour De Pirkka|

The school of Niinisalo is closed in 2019 and is no longer available for accommodation. But we are happy to tell you that substitutative accommodation is available at the school of Jämijärvi (approximately 20 km from Niinisalo). The accommodation and transports are organized by Välimatkat Oy. Mattresses [...]

Target: Pirkka Ski Race 2019?

2019-01-22T10:50:32+02:0015.01.2019|Pirkka Ski Race, Tour De Pirkka|

Sports institute Varala´s coach Jari Salmi made training program for those who have set their target to Pirkka. After yesterdays resting day, today it´s time for a endurance exercise. You find this program by clicking the link here. Sadly training program is only in Finnish.

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