It has been “hard” winter for the routes, there has been many pits to fill in this year. But the job is nearly done. Some major issues there is already to tell:

Pitkä Pirkka, Pirkka`s Tour 217 km goes not through Maisematie from Nokia to Hämeenkyrö because of the road constructions. Instead we will use Ilveskalliontie and Jumesniementie. Ilvesperäntie is about 3 km  long gravel road, but cyclists say, that this will be now problem. The surface conditions are good.

Both Pirkka`s Tour and Classic goes through the Finland’s longest tunnel “Rantatunneli” also this year. Normally the tunnel is meant only for cars and cyclist are allowed to use it only during our event. When you come out from the tunnel, there will be extra loop. You can see this marked to the map in above. After Terälahti service point there will also be two bridge constructions.

Gravel Grinding Pirkka has been tested. The route is app. 175 km long, route is variable but rather demanding. There are no trails and a few forest roads in a route. If you like to join this Gravel Grinding cycling on Sunday 10th June, please make your entry to the Classic with the starting time 8.00. Special group for their own gravel roads will start first at 8 AM. Here you can find the route (there is an extra loop in Kuru, which will be not included in final Gravel-Pirkka).

(All the service points in Classic are also along the Gravel-Pirkka. Route is not marked and there will be no technical services. It will be driven with groups average speed 20km/h, total time will be app. 10 hours)

Pirkka`s Pyhä 40 km drives this year counterclocwise.  There is a good chance that we will be able to go through all the tram construction areas in the city.