While the cold winter days are here again, it is time to set your personal target for your ski season. Pirkka Ski Race with three different lengths is just perfect for this.

Pirkka Ski Race will be held on Sunday March 3rd and Reppuhiihto “Backpack Ski” without time taking on Saturday March 9th 2019. Organizer`s main target is to make 90 km ski track from Niinisalo, Kankaanpää to Teivo Tampere. It is also possible to ski 52 km Retki-Pirkka from Niinisalo to Kyröskoski or 45 km Puoli-Pirkka from Hämeenkyrö airport to Teivo.

In case we will have problems with snow, there is a plan B: Kangas-Pirkka 60-80 km will be held in Jämi where the snow is most likely if anywhere.

If howerer the race must be cancelled because of some force major reasons or especially difficult circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to keep 30 % of the entry fee to cover the already existing costs and the expenses caused by returning the fees. (This reservation has never been used). In this case the entry fee can be moved directly to next year.

We organizers have also some bad news to share. Our main challenge is to recover our economic situation. The decision not to reserve any entry fees in cancellation years 2014 and 2017 and higher preparation costs with track in 2016 are the reasons why the transportations to the start places now has a fee (5 euros to Kyröskoski and 10 euros to Niinisalo).
Niinisalo city has decided to close the school of Niinisalo. This is why we can´t offer accommodation anymore before the race in Niinisalo.

Because of the roadworks in Kyröskoski there will be another walking part before Kyröskoski service point.

Despite of these bad news we wish all the friends of snowy track to enjoy the unique atmosphere of Pirkan Hiihto. Skiing is a pleasure and we organizers want to give a chance for this pleasure also in a future.